Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Holly Buttcheeks Batman, Tokyo Electric Power Has Problems

Holly freaking sheet, that was some earthquake over in Japan, and of all the rotten luck, it had to hit seven reactors built on a fault line...I mean, what are the odds of that happening? It looked for a bit like management at the reactors were going to be able to keep all the damage at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear plant out of the public eye, but was not meant to be.

Steets and some of the others in management here at Indian Point are really worried about the comparisons between us, and the nuclear plant in Japan, afraid the comparisons could cause us some trouble in the relicensing process. NEI and bribes to the NRC aside, there is only so much room under the carpet, and as it is, we have been doing a whole lot of sweeping lately...right now, odds are less than fifty/fifty we will meet the August deadline on the sirens, and you know the public will be screaming for more fines.

With the new Simpson's Movie due out next week, we are looking for some kind of protest action surrounding its release, and that is going to draw more attention to the fact that our evacuation plan will not work...only good news there, is Sam Collins has already admitted that publically, and we will keep the public at bay with false promises of safe sheltering in place. Maybe Truther John can pull a bunny out of his ass and save the day for us, and then we always have Rod Adams, and lets not forget, "This Week In Nuclear".

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

WOW...All Hands On Deck, Entergy Is Getting SMACKED DOWN by NRC

Picture Snapped While Smoking A Dubbie Out Behind The Plant
First, no need to tell me I've been derelict in my duties, but if you knew everything that was going on here on the grounds of Indian Point, you would be occupied with more important tasks as well. OK, and with it being summer, and Bar BQ season, it's just a pain in the ass to keep up a blog. Did I mention that our Pit Bull Matilda had babies?

To business. Those damn anti-nukers are really pissing us blue collar types off with all their filings and noise. Even worse, with a major NRC meeting with the public next week to explain the relicensing process, we have problems with our application! We tried to sneak a few things through, and were successful with some of them, but the NRC has just issued a letter calling us on the carpet for some of the others. Holy Fisting Jesus, they (NRC) are supposed to be on our side in this battle.

At least they are not forcing us to properly inspect the reactor domes and steel containment. Seriously, I am worried about all that rust, not to mention the spray nozzles. As it is, we are having to sneak some workers in when the inspectors are not about to tidy up a few messes and spills that could get ugly if found out. God forbide that word gets out to the Green Nuclear Butterfly! We all thought it would fade away after a couple months, but that bastard was at Clearwater this weekend causing some serious problems for us. He is getting allies, and that is not good news.

On the good news front...the NRC seems prepared to let us slide on the known problems with plate B2803 in reactor 3 which is failing badly. Having to submit a safety analysis for this serious problem would not be in the best interest of our relicense application. If that plate goes, we are talking serious Chernobyl here folks, and we all know it...HELL, that why most of us have moved our families so far North into Dutchess county. We don't want to be anywhere close to the critical fall out zone when there is a major incident, let alone having terrorists attack the plant, because God knows our security would be overwhelmed in less than five minutes.

Bottom line...with this latest NRC letter, the opposition is going to be chomping at the bit come June 27th, so we need all hands on deck for this meeting. Whatever we do, we have to avoid Green Nuclear Butterfly's table, even if they are giving out really cool cans of Radioactive Energy Drink.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Got to Love Truther John's Fear Mongering Ways

I am telling you, that Truther John is a pisser! He's had to send his White Nuclear Snowflake under cover, but it is still there, and still pumping out first class Entergy Fearmongering! Check out his latest cartoon! You have to click the blank picture to see it.

Controlling Renegades-Keeping Indian Point Workers Silent

We have for the most part a great team of all American Good Old Boys working here at the plant and are proud of our blue collar roots. Problem is, a few of you need to know when to keep your mouths shut. I know we have that whole chilling problem with the NRC going on, but lets put the meat on the table. Our jobs are at stake here, and for the town of Buchanan, cheap property taxes are at stake if we lose the re-license of Indian Point. We got a good deal going, and that means we have to tighten up our belts, and KEEP QUIET about some of the inconveniences and problems we know about as insiders.

Take the latest tritium leak for example. OK, so it is a bit bigger than we are letting on, and it's not like its the only one we know about. You need to keep what you know close to the vest. What if some news reporter, or God Forbid, a blogger hears you speaking out of turn and blows the whistle on us? With Hall and Hinchey screaming for an ISA, we do not want to add any spent fuel to their fire do we?

To deal with these loose lips that seem to be talking outside of the shop, think we need a Sluggo Silence Enforcement Team. It does not reflect well on us when a member of upper management has to go over to a group of plant workers from the local union shop, and tell them to stop fraternizing with the enemy. A few of us should have pulled out a good old can of Whoop Ass before it came to that.

Think about it guys. Do you really want to trade in your job, working in a nice warm, safe, vital and secure (kind of,sort of, not really)nuclear reactor for a job say, installing wind mills for clean energy? Do you really want to find yourselves out in the elements putting up solar panels on peoples roofs? No more free protective suits that make great costumes on Halloween. No more meeting Santa by the spent fuel pool for the children, not to mention our annual inside the plant Easter Egg Hunt.

When you put it into perspective, to much is at stake here, which is why I am launching the EST (Entergy Sluggo Team), and I hope many of you will volunteer by signing up in the break room. We'll have a sheet on the bulletin board all of next week.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Last Week A Four Case Nightmare

JESUS H CHRIST! Friday should have been a day of celebration at the plant as the management put the final touches on our license renewal application last Thursday night, and it should be sitting in Rockville now. Instead, another glitch with the sirens but a damper on our keg party. We really need to catch a break.

The Assessment Meeting went poorly as well, and those A-Holes from Green Nuclear Butterfly managed to steal the show! They even had our guys from the Carpenters Union clammering around their booth begging for cans of Radioactive Energy. It got so bad that one of the suits had to go over and remind them that Green Nuclear Butterfly is enemy number one inside the plant. The NRC gave them the best space in the building, and they used it to clean our clocks. Several of us went out afterwards and got ripping drunk. Having to be back at work red eyed four hours after getting home was not pretty.

Folks at Entergy corporate are planning a full court PR Campaign in our area, including bringing in our heavy hitters from CASEnergy, Patrick Moore and Christine Todd Whitman. We are also expecting some positive coverage in the NEI blog, which is regularly read inside the NRC. With all the money Entergy has funneled to George Bush and the Republicans, we are even hopeful of a Presidential visit here at the plant. Maybe we can get George to dance around the reactor dome with us. That would really lift spirits around here.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Holly CHIT! Things Here At Indian Point Getting Very Ugly

Management is first of all livid with the NRC, which in turn makes the lives of us average Joe's a major pain in the arse. We all thought the NRC would give us a slap on the wrist for appearance sake when the sirens failed to come in on time. Instead, they walloped Entergy with a $130,000 fine, double what it would normally be! Those freaking butt turds don't even realize they are giving those who want the plant closed far to much ammunition. Something like this could be just enough leverage for the general public to get their ISA, and that is one can of worms we do not want opened. Sure, for a plant almost 40 years old, we are relatively safe, but trust me, we have some issues that cannot see the light of day until after we have gone through re licensing.

What with the explosion and all, the inspectors are having more time to snoop around, so we had no choice but to make another tritium leak public this week. The wolves on the IPSEC list are already howling, demanding to know why it took two weeks to inform the public. Duh, maybe because we did not want you to know about it, were hoping to sneak that one by for awhile, which we would have if not for the explosion shutting us down. This sucks big time, as we are going to be operating under a white code now for quite some time.

The icing on the cake though is that damned Green Nuclear Butterfly! The news just came down that the NRC has agreed to let him have a table at this weeks Annual Assessment Meeting, and NRC Open House. Fork! He's like some deranged Energizer Bunny who just keeps coming at us nonstop. Even worse, rumor on his blog, is that they now have a corporate sponsor.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Beginning To Like Spitzer More and More...He's Actually Pro Nuclear

Last year, a lot of us workers really hated both Hillary Clinton, and Elliot Spitzer, but we are beginning to realize they just said some things to get RE-ELECTED, but were actually on Entergy's payroll and side all along! Don't that beat all! Spitzer is one smooth operator, and I'm thinking he would do really well in our Friday night Texas Holdem events in Buchanan! Don't tell any one you know about those, as we have a LOCAL ARRANGEMENT not to be bothered for running a illegal gambling operation. He goes right out to the press and states it flat out that he wants Indian Point shut down, but the devil is in them there details!

We have to have our license for reactors 2 and 3 renewed by 2012 and 2015, and once we got em, ain't no one going to be taking them back. So what's old Spitzer say? He wants us closed down, but not until replacement energy is up and on the grid. Now we all know that Entergy, NRC and NEI are not letting that happen until we have our 20 year license renews, and you can take that bet to the bank!

Then we got Hillary! There she was demanding an ISA for Indian Point, and that would flat out spell trouble for us! Again, you got to dig deep to find out she's on our side, and only playing to her left leaning liberal base when she makes such lame brained remarks. First, she's on Entergy's payroll, but more indirect if you follow me. The big PROOF is on CASEnergy's site...when she's off away from New York she comes right out and says Nuclear Energy and new reactors have to be on the table in solving Global Warming. When I saw that, almost wanted to tongue kiss her, square on those old leathery lips of hers. talk about odd bed fellows, her video on the site, and George Bush's brother a member! Next thing you know, might be an arranged marriage of Chelsea to someone in the Bush clan.

Even John Hall is coming around. Rumor around the plant has it, that a renewable Energy Center will be tacked on to some bill, and he'll be satisfied...he might say a few things in public for appearence sake, but when the dust settles, he'll swear he did all that he could, but we'll get our licenses for 20 years, and he'll get a handful of windmills to play with.

Hillary's Pro Nuke Video

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Marching Orders For April 26 Assessment Review

The marching orders for the April 26th meeting are out, though that's not something we spread around to much. Management wants us crawling all over the place through out the day...if you are not scheduled at the plant, they want you at the meeting, and want you to bring friends and family to help stack the deck for Entergy. It's for our own good, and Entergy is offering some nice perks for those of us who prove our mettle by putting in some serious face time.

It will be obvious that some of us are from the plant, and we'll all sit together, but some have instructions to look non descript, told to mingle in the crowd with eyes and ears open, as we want to identify the trouble makers as we get prepared for the relicensing battle...who knows, maybe a few of them could be persuaded to bow out of the battle before they get hurt. Hey, accidents happen every day.

We had some flooding issues from the storm this weekend, but nothing that could be seen as a violation, so we dodged a bullet there. Additionally, those kinds of flood like storms are a good time in which to flush out the system if you catch my drift...what people don't know can't hurt them.

Was a long day, so going to go get myself one last can of beer and hit the sheets.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Some Grumbling Going On

Don't get me wrong, after 9/11 we need tight security where nuclear reactors and weapons facilities are concerned, but the new Fitness For Duty standards where members of our security team are concerned are just not fair to many long term employees at the plant. Hell, I could not run 40 yards for a Bar BQ rib sandwich, let alone do it in 8 seconds flat...I'd trip over my beer belly long before I reached the finish line. I'm bringing this up, because 500 security staff walked off their jobs over this very issue at a military weapons sight last night...FAT PEOPLE ARE BEING DISCRIMINATED AGAINST IN THE WORK PLACE.

These new fitness for duty rules are bullsh*t plain and simple, especially where nuclear reactors are concerned. Don't let on that I told you this, but our Indian Point security strategy is simple...we sit in defensive positions behind bullet resistant (almost but not quite as good as bullet proof) glass shields, and wait for the terrorist to come to us...we could get hurt running around outside, especially if we got attacked after dark. Any fat schmuck can handle security of this nature, and how fit do you need to be to have some one sign in...those clipboards are not that heavy.

You ask me, this is just another tool that management wants to use in their attempts to break unions, lower wages and decrease staffing at reactor sites. As it is, the public would be shocked if they knew the skeletal staff we use to run not one but two reactors here at Indian Point. Get rid of management and security staff, and you have barely 1000 employees to maintain two reactors. Sounds like a lot, until you figure thats 500 employees per reactor, with 4 different shift cycles we have to cover. In the cases of a serious incident, we would be severely short handed real fast.

If truth be told, think Entergy would get rid of half of us yesterday if they were not afraid of us going public about the goings on inside the plant. Get me a few good beers, and I could tell you some stories that would make your hair stand on end. What we know keeps us safe, keeps us employed. That is the real secret behind the slogan, "Vital, safe and secure."

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Reactor Side Keg Party

Explosions, problems with our water intake system, and the NRC breathing down our neck about the sirens not being ready on time has all of us in pretty low spirits this weekend, so a few of us boys decided it was time for a party. Nothing warms the heart more than a Keg party beside the blue light of the reactor's core.

Couple of big old kegs of Pabst Blue Ribbon, some music to dance by, and with all of us in our yellow suits, well it almost brings tears to the eyes. That's what people don't understand about us, we are FAMILY here at Indian Point. Sure, the cancer rates among us can be tough at times, and its hard to ignore some of the birth defects in reactor babies, then of course that dang murder/suicide really knocked us for a loop, but Indian Point is our home.

Sure, the reactors have some serious problems, but so does my pick up truck, but I am not about to have her hauled to the junk yard just because she's burning oil, and second gear is gone. A little bit of TLC, and I might just get 200,000 miles out of the old gal. The leaking fuel pools are a problem, but we check the Folgers coffee cans every day so they don't over flow to badly. The tritium and strontium 90 that is contaminating the Hudson? I am sorry, but that is one of those red herrings you hear about. With all the water moving down the Hudson, anything we dump into the river is diluted! Even Neil Sheehan gave us that one.

While we are being honest, it's true...we cannot stop a terrorist attack if one comes our way, but DAMMIT, such an event is not very likely, and we have 1500 jobs at stake here! All those millions of selfish people complaining about the risks and financial loss if an attack were to occur, and not one thought given to those of us who would be out of a job if Indian Point is not relicensed. Think about it this way...New Orleans dodged a bullet for several decades before Hurricane Katrina hit, and we are only asking you to risk two lousy decades. Why can't the public see that, and take a gamble for us, for our families? Sure, if we are wrong, there could be trillions of dollars in damages, but what if we guessed right, and nothing happens for another 20 years?

If just once some of you folks joined us for skinny dipping in the spent fuel pools, you'd understand us better, maybe even come to like the tingling sensation of irradiated water on your skin. Go for a walk through the facility, stop in the control room to listen to the ever present sounds of whistles and alarms, the gentle buzz constantly in your ears, then walk on up to the reactor Dome, and join us for a beer. We are all family here at Indian Point, and Entergy would welcome all of you with open hearts, and arm in arm we can all march into a wonderful GREEN Nuclear Tomorrow.

Friday, April 13, 2007

The Big Dogs Are PISSED-NRC Denied Our Request

Oh Man, is management PISSED OFF! Seems the explosion is causing some HUGE PROBLEMS FOR US! The word is all over the plant that the NRC has denied Entergy's request for an extension of time to get the sirens working. How did the Green Nuclear Butterfly find out the news so fast? I am thinking maybe someone inside is giving out juice. Give us a damned break, we only asked for six more months. OK, a lot of time, but we got s**t breaking loose in every direction around here.

Later this month we have to make nice with those busy bodies known as the General Public when we have our Annual Assessment Review. We are limping along after the explosion, and the repairs are going to run into millions. Praise God that our lobbyist got us that gift, when the provision to make us pay for our own security was stripped from the state budget. That SWEET DEAL will pay for almost the entire siren system if we ever get it running properly, and the repairs from the fire. All we need now, is to have inspectors finding dried white powder under the reactors. Thank God for brooms. Of course, with Neil Sheehan threatening fines and even sanctions, we need every break we can get, even if we have to hide a few safety issues.

The good news, all this activity is creating lots of overtime. The bad news, is having to limit my beer intake to a 12 pack a day. Telling you, all this extra over sight is breaking moral. I barely had time to kick one of the guards out of a slumber before an NRC inspector came in unannounced. What's next, no watching soap operas in the control room, or denying our over night security force an hour to watch, "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report" on Comedy Central?

Green Rating Gone...NRC Rug Rats Under Feet More

That explosion is going to be a serious pain in our arse here at the Indian Point plant, as it means more NRC staff we have to befriend and pay off. It is official, and all over the news media that we have lost our GREEN RATING, which takes away our Annual On site Deer Hunt...nothing finer than venison merinated in the reactor core before roasting! Word in the break room has it that midnight skinny dipping in the spent fuel pools is out as well.

Best get back to work...we have some valves and gauges not working, and we have to make it look like we are trying to fix them...give us a break already. These reactors are almost 40 years old, and some of the parts we cannot even get any more! A big hit with the hammer sometimes squeezes a bit more life out of the gauges, so maybe I will give that a try right after lunch.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Freaking Sirens Failed...If That Don't Beat All!

Well slap my BANANA, just when it seemed we would shut those damned ANTI-NUKERS mouths up for a few weeks, the new siren system up and failed on us! Not to worry though, cause we got Neil Sheehan on our side! He'll come through with another time extension for us, and you can bet a six pack of your best Pabst Blue Ribbon on that one by God!

The explosion is far more serious than the public knows, but the boys up in management did a good job controlling the media frenzy...they intimadate us, but sometimes maybe it is best if we keep our concerns to ourselves, like management suggests. Loose lips sink ships, and what the public doesn't know can't hurt them! (Failing weld joints, and leaking spent fuel pool aside...come on, what is a little leaked strontium 90 and tritium between good neighbors?) Guess this means we will push the whole license renewal application back a few months until the reactor dust settles a bit.

That Green Nuclear Butterfly done got all the folks over at IPSEC, Riverkeeper and Clearwater all fired up again. Thank heavens for Truther John and his White Nuclear Snowflake. Indian Point is not THAT DANGEROUS, and besides, if there is ever a serious incident at the plant, most of us will never know...the evacuation plan will not work, and that whole sheltering thing is a crock of s**t anyway. I best go kick the wife and kiss the dog, as tomorrow is another day.