Friday, April 20, 2007

Beginning To Like Spitzer More and More...He's Actually Pro Nuclear

Last year, a lot of us workers really hated both Hillary Clinton, and Elliot Spitzer, but we are beginning to realize they just said some things to get RE-ELECTED, but were actually on Entergy's payroll and side all along! Don't that beat all! Spitzer is one smooth operator, and I'm thinking he would do really well in our Friday night Texas Holdem events in Buchanan! Don't tell any one you know about those, as we have a LOCAL ARRANGEMENT not to be bothered for running a illegal gambling operation. He goes right out to the press and states it flat out that he wants Indian Point shut down, but the devil is in them there details!

We have to have our license for reactors 2 and 3 renewed by 2012 and 2015, and once we got em, ain't no one going to be taking them back. So what's old Spitzer say? He wants us closed down, but not until replacement energy is up and on the grid. Now we all know that Entergy, NRC and NEI are not letting that happen until we have our 20 year license renews, and you can take that bet to the bank!

Then we got Hillary! There she was demanding an ISA for Indian Point, and that would flat out spell trouble for us! Again, you got to dig deep to find out she's on our side, and only playing to her left leaning liberal base when she makes such lame brained remarks. First, she's on Entergy's payroll, but more indirect if you follow me. The big PROOF is on CASEnergy's site...when she's off away from New York she comes right out and says Nuclear Energy and new reactors have to be on the table in solving Global Warming. When I saw that, almost wanted to tongue kiss her, square on those old leathery lips of hers. talk about odd bed fellows, her video on the site, and George Bush's brother a member! Next thing you know, might be an arranged marriage of Chelsea to someone in the Bush clan.

Even John Hall is coming around. Rumor around the plant has it, that a renewable Energy Center will be tacked on to some bill, and he'll be satisfied...he might say a few things in public for appearence sake, but when the dust settles, he'll swear he did all that he could, but we'll get our licenses for 20 years, and he'll get a handful of windmills to play with.

Hillary's Pro Nuke Video

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Marching Orders For April 26 Assessment Review

The marching orders for the April 26th meeting are out, though that's not something we spread around to much. Management wants us crawling all over the place through out the day...if you are not scheduled at the plant, they want you at the meeting, and want you to bring friends and family to help stack the deck for Entergy. It's for our own good, and Entergy is offering some nice perks for those of us who prove our mettle by putting in some serious face time.

It will be obvious that some of us are from the plant, and we'll all sit together, but some have instructions to look non descript, told to mingle in the crowd with eyes and ears open, as we want to identify the trouble makers as we get prepared for the relicensing battle...who knows, maybe a few of them could be persuaded to bow out of the battle before they get hurt. Hey, accidents happen every day.

We had some flooding issues from the storm this weekend, but nothing that could be seen as a violation, so we dodged a bullet there. Additionally, those kinds of flood like storms are a good time in which to flush out the system if you catch my drift...what people don't know can't hurt them.

Was a long day, so going to go get myself one last can of beer and hit the sheets.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Some Grumbling Going On

Don't get me wrong, after 9/11 we need tight security where nuclear reactors and weapons facilities are concerned, but the new Fitness For Duty standards where members of our security team are concerned are just not fair to many long term employees at the plant. Hell, I could not run 40 yards for a Bar BQ rib sandwich, let alone do it in 8 seconds flat...I'd trip over my beer belly long before I reached the finish line. I'm bringing this up, because 500 security staff walked off their jobs over this very issue at a military weapons sight last night...FAT PEOPLE ARE BEING DISCRIMINATED AGAINST IN THE WORK PLACE.

These new fitness for duty rules are bullsh*t plain and simple, especially where nuclear reactors are concerned. Don't let on that I told you this, but our Indian Point security strategy is simple...we sit in defensive positions behind bullet resistant (almost but not quite as good as bullet proof) glass shields, and wait for the terrorist to come to us...we could get hurt running around outside, especially if we got attacked after dark. Any fat schmuck can handle security of this nature, and how fit do you need to be to have some one sign in...those clipboards are not that heavy.

You ask me, this is just another tool that management wants to use in their attempts to break unions, lower wages and decrease staffing at reactor sites. As it is, the public would be shocked if they knew the skeletal staff we use to run not one but two reactors here at Indian Point. Get rid of management and security staff, and you have barely 1000 employees to maintain two reactors. Sounds like a lot, until you figure thats 500 employees per reactor, with 4 different shift cycles we have to cover. In the cases of a serious incident, we would be severely short handed real fast.

If truth be told, think Entergy would get rid of half of us yesterday if they were not afraid of us going public about the goings on inside the plant. Get me a few good beers, and I could tell you some stories that would make your hair stand on end. What we know keeps us safe, keeps us employed. That is the real secret behind the slogan, "Vital, safe and secure."